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We Are All Losers.

Pretty harsh title. I get that. It’s true though. “Can’t win ‘em all” is also true but doesn’t quite capture the importance of the fact that we all must come to grips with defeat.…


I went away on a retreat and I learned some things that I believe will also benefit you. Here it is.
It is my job to produce content. I write jokes and stories and put together show lineups etc. for the consumption and entertainment and/or inspiration of an audience. I do this…

Am I good enough?

1. I felt discouraged. 2. I read an article. 3. I felt better. 4. I booked a gig. 5.I feel great.
REJECTION is a big part of acting and comedy and well... a bunch of other jobs (talked to any car salespeople or telemarketers lately?).  I have had many auditions over the past…

Fall or Fly with Morgan Freeman.

If we hope to accomplish anything ever, we need to be willing to fail. Sometimes our success even requires us to fall on our face to prove that we are willing to do anything for the win. Are you willing to fall? Will you jump? If so, you will certainly…
"Hey Cliff!  Drop over sometime!"  I have heard this all my life.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised when my audition breakdown reads "trip & drop burgers". And that's exactly…

Take off your pants.

I had an audition that required me to be comfortable without my shirt on... but then they told me I didn't need my pants either. (**warning... many shirtless men featured in this blog post!)
"Male.  Ethnically Ambiguous.  Average looking (i.e. no one will mistake him for a model).  Out of shape is preferred.  Shower scene so must be comfortable without his shirt on."…